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Posted by A Stoner on Wednesday, October 15, 2008 6:09:10 PM
First off the many Republicans deserve to be thrown out with the bath water. They have done nothing to deserve the vote of a conservative. Some of course were conservative, and their constituents should re-elect them.
Heres a list of a few things they did:
Gave out prescription meds for seniors, sure, that is likely to buy alot of votes.
Refused to fix social security, how is that working out? Thank you all very much, I sure like the my election first, country last attitudes have.

Gave money to ACORN, cause they do not want to look like racists pigs, not exactly turning out the way they expected?

Did not really work hard to reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, yup that sure as hell helped your re-election prospects, huh rejects?

Well, how about a nice big $700,000,000,000.00 bail-out for wall street, do you think that will buy them a few votes in a few weeks?

Maybe they can add in some tax breaks for wooden arrows, some lower taxes on imported rum, and you know, they are really are going to get votes for having chosen to do the hardest thing any congresscritter could have ever done, they voted for extending the protection from the dreaded alternative minimum tax monster, you would think that would get us votes!!!! Damn, could you imagine if that vote on extending the protection from the alternative minimum tax was done as a single bill? I bet you could not have gotten many more than 99 Senators to vote for that and not many more than 434 Representatives!!! Thank goodness that was attached to the wooden arrows legislation.

Oh, wait, they are not done yet, they also want to give money to people who bought too much house, or refinanced (cashed out) their house for luxury items that other Americans have to earn through hard work and putting off pleasure until they can actually have earned and paid for it, yeah, I am sure that doing a bail-out for irresponsible buyers is surely going to get conservatives elected.

I am sitting this one out. I can survive in any America that ends up happening thanks to all of those conservatives having lost the election.

Some of you though want to win the election, and if you really want to, then here is the simple plan. Story line advertising. The celebrity ad did not work simply because it played to Obama’s supposed strength, it worked because it was a story people could follow. It started of stating what republicans wanted you to think of him, and then laid out in story detail each instance that proved it was true.
I can say exactly what would have turned this election into a cakewalk for the conservatives. CRA, ACORN, AYERS, Barack Obama, Barney Frank, Chriss Dodd, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid all balled up in every single add. But it has to be a story.
Start off with “What Just Happened?” show the effects and then walk it back in each consecutive comercial through each of the bad actors.
Ad one would be the $700,000,000,000.00 bail-out and the stock market crashing and retirement accounts tanking (15 seconds) followed by Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae being the cause (15 seconds) Ad in pictures of Democrats posing with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac executives smiling and shaking hands if possible. Barney Frank: “I want to roll the dice a little bit more in this situation towards subsidized housing.” Announcer: He rolled the dice, and lost. And now you’re paying the bill.
Ad two would be Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae executives talking about how good things are along with each CEO’s pay-out (15 seconds) followed by Barney Frank, Chris Dodd and Christine Waters telling that there is no problem, especially at Fannie Mae (15 seconds). Barney Frank: “I want to roll the dice a little bit more in this situation towards subsidized housing.” Announcer: He rolled the dice, and lost. And now you’re paying the bill.
Ad three would be about McCain’s proposed bill in 2005 (15 seconds) followed by Barack wrote a strongly worded letter (Leadership? Ready to Lead?) a strongly worded letter from someone who could introduce legislation?(15 seconds). One person was leading, one person was covering his backside. Barney Frank: “I want to roll the dice a little bit more in this situation towards subsidized housing.” Announcer: He rolled the dice, and lost. And now you’re paying the bill.
Ad 4 would Go back to when Barack Obama was helping ACORN sue banks into making bad loans, include some wording indicating what happens when bad loans are made. Barney Frank: “I want to roll the dice a little bit more in this situation towards subsidized housing.” Announcer: He rolled the dice, and lost. And now you’re paying the bill.
Ad 5 would go back to the CRA and what it was really all about, making risky loans, followed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac required by law Barney Frank to buy as many bad loans as banks could produce, the greed was fed by Government mandate. Barney Frank: “I want to roll the dice a little bit more in this situation towards subsidized housing.” Announcer: He rolled the dice, and lost. And now you’re paying the bill.
The final ad would show Barack Obama working with Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, and would question if America can afford unfettered rule by the people who caused the financial meltdown. Barney Frank: “I want to roll the dice a little bit more in this situation towards subsidized housing.” Announcer: He rolled the dice, and lost. And now you’re paying the bill.

I would get more information out to the public through full page ads in the major papers. Want to win the election, then each and every single conservative should benifit from this advertizing. But hey, lets just go at this like a bunch of individuals, and not only that, but a bunch of retarded lost individuals that have no direction to the country.

Posted February 21, 2012 by astonerii in Uncategorized

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